Palais Royal Garden : a haven of peace just few steps away from Hotel Madame Reve
Located amidst the historical Paris, Hotel Madame Reve, opened in 2021, benefits from an ideal location to discover the Poste du Louvre’s neighborhood. Few steps away from the hotel, in the heart of the city of light, discover the most emblematic sites such as la Bourse de Commerce, the Louvre Museum, la Samaritaine but especially the Palais Royal Garden… From Fashion to Art, stepping by History, Madame Reve Hotel offers numerous opportunities to take your stay to the next level and make it unforgettable.

Palais Royal Garden a stone’s throw away from Madame Reve Hotel
Just a step away from the Madame Reve Hotel’s newly opened green rooftop, amidst the historical Paris, the Palais Royal Garden’s flowerbeds spread out at the bottom of the typical benches, so very much valued by the Parisians. True historical place, the Palais Royal Garden has gone through the centuries and the wind blows some well kept secrets between the lime and chestnut trees.
It is at this exact place, that the young Louis the 14th almost drowned in the fountain, here also that Napoleon made his first female conquest or even here that the French revolution’s spirit was born years before 1789. Nowadays, the Palais Royal Garden is a haven of peace, well coveted for a walk, where you can find numerous work-of-arts which invites to daydream. You will also discover the famous Buren’s Columns, so popular among the professional and amateur photographers.
A creative and poetic place
Madame Rêve Hotel’s contemporary tale writes itself with the places and people surrounding the hotel. Le Palais Royal garden is no exception and undoubtedly remind the hotel’s poetry and the stone which constitute the Poste du Louvre frontages. The Palais Royal Garden’s aisles, lined with lime and chestnut trees, make this place the perfect spot for creativity such as Madame Rêve Hôtel. The evidence being the French Comedy, built by Duke Philippe the 4th of Orléans at the end of the 18th century.
A Palais Royal Garden, a lively history now prosperous
As a lively place the Palais Royal Garden was the perfect stage for the revolutionary spirit back in the days. The Palais Royal was plundered and set on fire several times, then renovated and refurbished multiples times until the end of the 19th century where he encountered again prosperity while its garden became a relaxing place. Since that, the Parisians will make it a special place, at the edge between the Halle’s neighborhood and the Louvre museum. The new post office, La Poste du Louvre, is launched in 1888 as the climax of this new area and became right away a not to be missed place of the Parisian lifestyle. Now welcoming into its midst the Madame Rêve Hôtel, the hotel has naturally took over this legacy and is working hard to become an unmissable place in the Parisian lifestyle.